CERA Crazy Miner Moves To October!

By | February 29, 2020

CERA Members and Friends,

For 2020 we have decided to run the Fools Gold on Sunday May 3rd as planned but will hold off on the Crazy Miner and run it in the fall as we have done in the past.  This decision is based on the desire to decrease the workload and subsequent stress that two meets on the same weekend has caused.

Typically our events are set up with a “Course Captain” that lays out the entire Course.  Once the course is developed it is broken up into sections with a “section Leader” assigned to each section which they are responsible for.  That responsibility involves learning the section, Making sure it’s clear of obstruction and ridable, marking the section with arrows, dots and wrong way markers before the event, making sure all the check “Captains” know their check locations, removing the course markings after all the riders are through, making repairs if needed (rebuilding water bars, filling in ruts, etc.) and closing and hiding event only trails.  Of course this is all down with a crew that also knows the section.

 As you can see there is a lot to it for the section leaders and their crews.  So for the last few years that we ran both meets on the same weekend the Course Captain and Section Leaders all pulled double duty, which can take the fun out of it. 

While we have a great volunteer base, we do lack enough of those with the experience to take on the responsibility of Course Captain and Section Leaders for two back-to-back events.  So now the goal is to run the Crazy Miner in the fall and get more members to engage in and learn the process and what is required to lay out a course and be responsible to run a section of the course.  Most important is the fact that we have the talent to mentor those that want to learn how to put on an Enduro and carry the tradition forward.

Personally I dislike using the term workers or work when it comes to putting on an Enduro but the fact is…….. it is work and challenging, but more than that it’s fun to do….. to ride and work side by side with friends, family and club members.  People like Rick Guidice, Tom Guidice, Bill Blocker, Russ Drake, Dave Baumann, Brady Justice (drives down from Oregon to “work” the events) and numerous others that have been involved for years and years demonstrate the dedication and satisfaction they have all gotten that keeps them coming back.

So please get more involved and let’s expand our talent to others so we can “spread out the workload” and eventually get back to having both Enduros on an Enduro Weekend.  The riders that come have only great things to say about a weekend where they can ride the family event with wives and kids as a warm up and then compete in the Fools Gold the next day.

Both meets are in the District 36 Youth and Adult Championship Series, respectively, and this simply adds to the experience for both us the volunteers and Riders alike.

Thank you All for your support and dedication to CERA!

If you would like to volunteer to help at our Enduro you can Sign up on our Volunteer Form.